Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Why 120GB HDD shows only 108GB in windows?

1: Notebook 120GB HDD shows only 108GB in windows.
1.1: The HDD manufacturer's conversion standard is different from the Operation System's conversion standard.
HDD Conversion: 1GB= 1000MB= 1000000KB, OS Conversion: 1GB= 1024MB= 1024*1024KB
1.1.1: 120GB HDD will shown in widows system: 120GB*1000*1000/1024/1024=114GB For those windows system preinstalled ASUS laptops, there will be a hidden partition for the system recovery, it will be about 5~6 GB, so the actual HDD capacity shown in windows system will be: 114GB-6GB=108GB. Normal, not a HDD problem.

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